Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Skin

I've been going through a lot of stress lately and it's taken a toll on my skin.  Going through all these changes in my life hasn't been easy - job hunting, a long distance relationship and almost losing a close friend has all taken a toll on me.

I've been reading up on Dr. Baumann's book The Skin Type Solution to help me get back on track. This book has always been a personal motivator for me.  Her updated list of product recommendations has sparked my curiosity all over again.  I want to start looking and feeling better about myself and that all starts with my skin.

Aside from all the personal changes I'm going through, I am learning that things will get better.  It's about living in the now because the moment I start stressin', my skin breaks out which in turn affects my mood and overall self-esteem.

We'll see how the products she recommends for my skin type turn out.  After taking her quiz, I am Oily, Sensitive, Non-pigmented and Wrinkled.  So far, I'll see if the products she recommends are worthwhile, and will report on the results soon.  For now, the main thing I need to do is relax and stop over thinking things. It always helps to J U S T B R E A T H E.